

How can the analysis of marking removal technology be more convenient

Release time:2018/2/1 15:41:55 Source:tg-tools.com/

Abstract:Technical Analysis of Markings Removal With the development of society, when selecting the road mark

Technical Analysis of Markings Removal With the development of society, when selecting the road marking removal method, relevant departments have gone from simply considering the economy to comprehensively considering the impact on road traffic, as well as the safety and environmental protection of construction personnel

Requirements. According to different actual conditions, select appropriate marking removal technology and formulate reasonable construction scheme. The following table is a comparative analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of various marking removal technologies. Road marking is important for maintaining road traffic rank

It plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring road traffic safety. Along with the change of the traffic control scheme, there must be the clearing of the original road markings. At present, the marking removal technology is improving in the direction of environmental protection, efficiency and automation

。 The cleaned road surface not only has no residue of any marking paint, but also will not have any damage. The whole road surface will become very clean. Ordinary small high-pressure water jet cleaning machine will produce a large amount of

Waste water, which may cause unsanitary pavement, or penetrate into the pores of asphalt and cause damage to pavement materials.

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