

What are the advantages of high pressure water jet for marking removal

Release time:2018/2/1 15:50:18 Source:tg-tools.com/

Abstract:As some operations also require higher and higher environmental protection, the high-pressure water

As some operations also require higher and higher environmental protection, the high-pressure water jet marking cleaning method emerged as the times require, becoming a marking cleaning method favored by European and American countries in recent years. Its main construction machinery is high-pressure water jet marking cleaning machine. The cleaning machine uses the pressurization system to make water shoot out from the nozzle. This water jet has extremely strong impact and cutting force, and can directly penetrate into the asphalt pores to remove the marking paint. The cleaned road surface is not only free of marking by high-pressure water jet cleaning method, but also free of any residue of marking paint. The whole road surface will become very clean. The ordinary small high-pressure water jet cleaning machine will produce a large amount of waste water during the cleaning operation, which may cause unsanitary pavement or damage the pavement materials by penetrating into the asphalt pores. Therefore, corresponding cleaning equipment should be equipped during the cleaning process. At present, foreign high-pressure water jet cleaning machines are all designed precisely and equipped completely. For example, cleaning devices are set at high-pressure water gun nozzles, which will not affect the road environment. For example, the system pressure can also be adjusted to clean different marking paints.

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