

In addition to the line machine impact is too large will damage the ground

Release time:2019/8/12 13:59:35 Source:tg-tools.com/

Abstract:So when milling planer scraps, less contact points in the working face, its the impact of the rotor is very big, the milling planer milling is not only a laitance and part of the aggregate, will also add some aggregate vibration loose the whole structure is affected.

Except for the line machine impact is too large will damage to structures low-rise structures, can make the project. In addition, the chisel between large cement concrete pavement engineering when MAO careful with large milling planer or shot blasting machine cut wool processing. For milling planer milling cutter head instead of milling planer rotor for the rigid connection, milling planer rotor and very heavy, the density of the cutting tools and less, so when milling planer scraps, less contact points in the working face, the rotor of the impact is very big, milling planer milling is not only a laitance and part of the aggregate, will also add some aggregate vibration loose the whole structure is affected.

1. The main functions of the milling planer milling planer is old asphalt concrete pavement). Such as shot blasting machine, its steel shot dozen hair to impact force is not too big, face of the ground after construction is good-looking, but cut hair, shallow depth, concave and convex pits is not obvious, therefore the bond between new and old cement concrete is poor. In addition, we also can some surface treatment equipment manufacturers from abroad according to the requirements of different engineering production and supply of all kinds of cut hair equipment is visible. The performance of the low vibration.

2. But the higher the frequency, the less the impact so in "eating" cement concrete when the "crack" is more laborious time-consuming, so some construction units were mistaken for chisel of efficiency is lower, as well as with some artificial with hammer gouge, this is a myth.


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