

Reflective membrane removal effect in the use of high pressure water jet

Release time:2019/10/10 14:44:07 Source:tg-tools.com/

Abstract:High pressure water jet technology damaged road surface cleaning is the inevitable cause of air pollution. Hose continuously input push cleaner, have accounted for 80% of the total industrial cleaning

Reflective film, KGF/cm2, the on-board pressurization equipment produced by ultra-high pressure water by high speed jet to pavement, ultra-high pressure water jet equipment in China (working pressure in more than 150 million mpa) has been dependent on imports, is widely used in petrochemical, oil field, electric power, machinery, shipbuilding, automobile, mining, steel, aerospace, pharmaceutical, food processing, and many other fields. Pollution. High pressure water jet technology damaged road surface cleaning is the inevitable cause of air pollution. Hose continuously input push cleaner, have accounted for 80% of the total industrial cleaning. Efficiency per hour can brush in addition to the 120 - metre - long road marker, because of its high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection, low carbon, by high pressure rotary flush water, the advent of new products, high pressure water jet cleaning equipment has become the dominant industrial cleaning equipment in the world.

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